Hi and Salam, I am looking for co-host in Bahria town phase-...
Hi and Salam, I am looking for co-host in Bahria town phase-7 Islamabad to manage my property. you can message me if interest...
The next superbowl will be held in Arizona at the State Farm stadium in Glendale.
We are approximately 30 minutes from that stadium It will be held on Feb. 12 next year .
When should we start to advertise for that event?
@Thomas2654 Not sure what you mean by "start to advertise". Wouldn't anyone planning to attend the Superbowl already know about it?
If by 'advertise' you mean publish your rates, what's stopping you from doing it now, @Thomas2654?
@Thomas2654 Raise your rates now. We weren't hosting on Airbnb when they had the sb in New Jersey, but people here were charging up to $5 or $7K for the weekend, some of those rates also included some starter kits on snacks, etc. but not all. As far as 'advertising, I don't know, Airbnb doesn't really allow for much customization on terms of 'superbowl weekend getaway' type of thing.
I am also a first time Superbowl Host. I have been playing around with pricing. One suggestion would be to look at what others in your area are already charging (which is ALOT!) 🙂 . I quickly looked up those dates and the Glendale area and noticed many hosts already have their prices set - which are high...perhaps they may lower as the dates get closer. I would also think about what special amenities you have that you can showcase. How close are you to the stadium?
I do have a question on Superbowl Guests that I am seeking guidance on....
Since the city of Glendale is really locking down on parties and I definitely don't want parties/illegal activity etc happening on my property I was considering having a lawyer draft up a document that I would send specifically to my guests who rent for Superbowl. I was thinking of having the document state no parties, no drugs, no illegal activity etc and that any fine incurred by the city which could be thousands of dollars...would be passed onto the guest. Other hosts: My question is...do you think this is excessive? A waste or time? Or necessary to protect my home and any trouble with the law and the city? I also thought that having this required contract to sign might steer away any guests that were planning to have a party? Thoughts? Thank you all for your input!
THank you all for your replies. I will adjust my price now.