udlejning // rental


udlejning // rental



Mit navn er Thomas og jeg er udlejer at et sommerhus på vestkysten i det skønt kuperede område mellem Lille Norge og Kettrup Bjerge. 


Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at netværke lidt med andre i sommerhuslejere, gerne med udlejningshus i området omkring Blokhus/Løkken, for at udveksle viden, erfaring og tips. Har selv været udlejer i 4 år. 


Giv lyd, hvis andre kunne være interesseret, fx i emner omkring, hvordan man prissætter og afregner forbrug og i det hele taget griber sin "forretning" bedst an. 


Med venlig hilsen






My name is Thomas and I am the landlord of a summer house on the west coast in the beautiful hilly area between Little Norway and Kettrup Bjerge.


I would like to network a bit with other holiday home renters, preferably with rental houses in the area around Blokhus/Løkken, to exchange knowledge, experience and tips. Has been a landlord myself for 4 years.


Sound off if others might be interested, e.g. in topics about how to price and settle consumption and in general how best to approach one's "business".


With best regards


1 Best Answer
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi, I hope you’re well ‌😊

You can join the nearest Local Host Club to connect with fellow hosts local to your area. You can share your experiences, exchange valuable knowledge and get advice. Here's the link where you can join: https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Local-Host-Clubs/ct-p/en_clubs


I hope this helps! 



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1 Reply 1
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi, I hope you’re well ‌😊

You can join the nearest Local Host Club to connect with fellow hosts local to your area. You can share your experiences, exchange valuable knowledge and get advice. Here's the link where you can join: https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Local-Host-Clubs/ct-p/en_clubs


I hope this helps! 



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