vergi durumu / Tax Status in Turkey

vergi durumu / Tax Status in Turkey

türkiye için vergi durumu nedir şirket mi kurmam gerekir kısa süreli kiralamaya vermek istiyorsam vergi nasıl verilir

What is the tax situation in Turkey? Should I establish a company? If I want to rent for a short time, how is tax paid


Translation added by OCM

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galashiels, United Kingdom

Hi @Mustafa-Emre0 


Did you manage to find an answer to this question anywhere else?





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yenı yasa devreye gırıyor en guzleı vergılendırmek ama o zaman fıyat otel fıyatına donecek pekı ya sonra ? neden aırbnb den rez yapsınlarkı dırekt otele gıder daha ıyı uygun fıyat polıtıkası degısecek ve felaket olacak vergılendıgınde zaten uc urus kazanıyoruz ondada gozlerı var

the new law is coming into effect, the best thing is to tax it, but then the price will return to the hotel price, and then what? why would they make a reservation from airbnb, they would go directly to the hotel, the better price policy will change and it will be a disaster, when it is taxed, we are already earning uc urus and they have their eyes on it.


** Translation added by Community Manager