website not loading on chrome browser for mac

Level 1
Bucerías, Mexico

website not loading on chrome browser for mac

I can see the website in cognito mode but in regular browser it just acts like it's loading and never does. I've cleared cache, updated chrome, restarted etc. It's been like this for months

4 Replies 4
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hey @Susan5665 it’s been a while since you posted, is the website working now? 



Please follow the Community Guidelines

No @Sophia , it only works if I have my VPN on which is not convenient.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hey there @Susan5665, if you don't mind, could you try these following steps:


📌  Log out (on all affected devices/browsers)

📌 Close all browser windows/tabs (on all affected devices/browsers)

📌 Open ONE new window (on all affected devices/browsers)

📌 Clear cache and cookies and browser history (on all affected devices/browsers)

📌 Delete & re-install app (if applicable)

📌 Log in with your email from your account


Please do let me know how you get on 😊



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 1
Jersey City, NJ

I'm having the same issue today