2-Night Fri/Sat Minimum but when I "Check Availability" the Sat. has a line thru it as booked?

Level 1
Hermann, MO

2-Night Fri/Sat Minimum but when I "Check Availability" the Sat. has a line thru it as booked?

I have made specific weekends for the upcoming year a 2-night minimum with check-in on Friday and must also stay Saturday.
When I go in to view my listing as a guest would see it, if I select the red "Check Availability" button, all my 2-night minimum weekends have a diagonal line thru the Saturdays.  If I was searching as a possible guest, I would assume the Saturday was not available as it appears.  Is there a way to get rid of the line on those Saturdays?  Any advice is appreciated! 





9 Replies 9
Level 10
Quilcene, WA

That means that check-in is not available on those dates. No, you can't change it except by allowing check-in on those dates.

Thanks for your response Lisa.

So most potential guests know that diagonal line doesn’t mean that the date is blocked but only that no check-in is allowed?  (Maybe I’m the only one that didn’t understand it).  Thank you! 😊

Level 10
Tønsberg, Norway

I completely agree with @Julie1292 @Ashten0 ; this is a big issue that Airbnb needs to correct.


In the summer season, I have check-in and check-out only on Saturdays (rule in professional version of the calendar saying that check-in and check-out on sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday is not allowed). This means that Sunday to Friday is marked as booked (gray with lines on) in the calendar, even though these days are not booked. Days are only opened when the guest selects Saturdays for check-in and check-out. This causes many guests to misunderstand as they think the days in the calendar are booked, even if they are available. This is therefore very negative because I loose potential bookings. Airbnb must change the view from Sunday to Friday from "gray with lines on" (booked) to for example "GREEN with lines on". This is important for potential guests to understand that the days are available, even though check-in and check-out is not possible on these days.



Thank you @Thomas977 for agreeing!

The calendar looks very misleading!

The person I spoke to at Air could only tell me “that it was supposed to be that way” without further explanation.

I would think this would bother or irritate more property owners since we all could be losing bookings because the potential renter does not understand the calendar.


My Airbnb contact person gave me the same answer. Very unfortunate both for us hosts, guests and Airbnb. All lose on this ...




Fellesskapsekspert8:41 PM
Hi there-

My name is Will and I am a fellow host and AirBnB community expert and I am happy to assist.

Sadly this is not a setting you can enable now, but please suggest it here:


Just keep in mind if a guest searches with dates this situation ...
Fellesskapsekspert8:51 PM
Was your issue resolved by this community expert?
Yes, I’m all done
Not yet, I want to keep chatting
No, I need help from a specialist
8:52 PM
My opinion is that this is so misleading to the guests that there must be an error in the system.
Fellesskapsekspert8:53 PM
Sadly Airbnb does not view it this way and it is not an error.

Grey does not mean booked, just unavailable, as per your rules
Thomas8:58 PM
However, the days are available, provided check-in and check-out on Saturdays…. Airbnb can not seriously mean that these available days should be displayed in the calendar in exactly the same way as booked days???
Fellesskapsekspert8:59 PM
This is serious and cannot be changed.

Guests select a check in or check out date when they click to view your calendar, so the calendar will display accurately for each.

I am very sorry but this is not a setting you can edit and is very purposeful.
Thomas9:03 PM
Why not change these available days that are not available for check in or check out to "GREEN with lines on"? This will be very clarifying for guests.
Fellesskapsekspert9:04 PM
Please do make the suggestion here:

Thomas9:05 PM
I have already done that. I have not received an answer.
When the guests misunderstand and therefore do not make a booking, it is both the host and Airbnb who lose financially on this.
Fellesskapsekspert9:08 PM
Airbnb sees it differently here but is prepared to forgo bookings if guests do not understand the calendar as it is now. At this time, there is not a significant level of guest misunderstanding on this, so this issue is not up for revision at this time.
Thomas9:12 PM
How do you know that there is not a significant level of guest misunderstanding on this? My informal survey shows that most of the people I've shown the ad to do not understand that these days are actually available and possible to book!
Fellesskapsekspert9:13 PM
Airbnb statistically tracks the number of help queries that come in over the weeks and months, this is not a top issue.

As someone who works with guests about 40-0 hours a week, this matches my personal experience too.
Thomas9:17 PM
Will the calendar be similarly misleading also on Airbnb Plus?
It would be strange if guests asked for help regarding a problem they do not know exist ... They just think that the calendar is fully booked and accepts this on an incorrect basis. It is therefore not surprising that the problem does not appear in Airbnb's service statistics for guests.
Fellesskapsekspert9:19 PM
Yes, this does not change in Airbnb Plus. Every calendar is Airbnb works the same for a consistent guest experience,

If this is not agreeable to you, you may deactivate your listing at any time s there is no way to opt out of this if you list on the site:

Thomas9:22 PM
I do not want to deactivate me listing. Why would that help me get bookings Saturday to Saturday?
Fellesskapsekspert9:23 PM
Okay then, best of luck wit your bookings.
Thomas9:24 PM
This villa has extreme seasonal variations. Therefore, it is absolutely essential for my financial survival that there are no enclosed days in high season that will not be booked.
Fellesskapsekspert9:27 PM
Airbnb never guarantees bookings and does not offer a calendar variation like you seek. In fact, there is no calendar variation at all.

So, this is not a point for debate and there is not a solution within the system that I can offer to you.

Your listing calendar will perform like every other within Airbnb.
Thomas9:29 PM
I'm not the only one who has the same problem. Please correct the error as soon as possible. Thanks.
Level 10
Tønsberg, Norway