I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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Hi, does anyone have tips on adjusting the cover photo so it shows up properly on the listing page? I have uploaded six versions of the same photo and each time Airbnb's system stretches it out in a way that ruins the look of the cover photo (cuts out key parts and shows too little of the overall photo). I have uploaded a 2MB 2448 × 2448 photo and it got recentered/zoomed in on my listing. So I tried several cropped, adjusted photos and each time Airbnb skewed it in a way that made it look crappy.
Any suggestions or tips? It would be AWESOME if they had an "adjust" photo or way to customize the photo on the listing... just like Facebook or Twitter has for photos on a profile's landing page.
Issaquah, WA
No, because Airbnb doesn't give a **bleep**.
Me too...still can't get my photos to look OK despite changing the ratio!!
I've just gone back to view the header image and it seems that it's corrected the aspect ratio.
Maybe it takes a while to process.
I used the dimensions from David's reply: 1024x684 at a 3x2 aspect ratio. And allowed space to be cropped.
Same problem. I'm sure it didn't used to be this difficult because I've used the same picture as a cover on other listings a couple of years back and it worked fine. Now it blows the picture up and I can't centre it to look nice on the cover. Can't get any of my pictures to centre properly. Plus it takes pictures I've already rotated to be the right way up and puts them the wrong way round and blows other pictures up to a silly size. Can't complete my listing because of this issue.
I feel like something changed recently. My thumbnails used to be good for my 2:3 ratio images. Now the crop on the images for thumbnails only takes the top 2/3 of the big photo, making the thumbnail a crappy modified version.
What is Airbnb up to by making everyone use this clumsy proceedure? Whats the point?
I re-adjusted my cover image about 4 or 5 times and the closest I got it down to was 1100 x 300 px.