Airbnb is killing me and I'm afraid for my life

Level 3
Split, Croatia

Airbnb is killing me and I'm afraid for my life


Airbnb is destroying my health and life these days. 

I have been Airbnb member almost 5 years and a Super host for 3 years now with more then 45 active listings and around 350 reviews. 

Airbnb is my breakfast, lunch and diner, and never a guest waited more then 5 minutes for my reply, even in the middle of the night, cause I sleep with my phone. 


They are investigating false accusations against me already 2 weeks now and refusing to speak with me about it and are not willing to look at evidence that I want to send them. 

Instead of it, first they have limited visibility of my listings, then they block them and yesterday they cancelled the guest reservation that was for today with announcment that they will do to others too, during the process of investigation. 

I am losing guests, losing money losing customers with who I work with, but most importanely losing my health, nerves and mind. 

Yesterday almost car runed over me because I walk like a zombie. 

I cannot eat, I cannot sleep and I don't want to live anymore like this. 

And why? 

Not because 1 damaged and evil person reacted from ego and spite against me when I complained about her not paying me for extra person. I can understand there are all kinds of people around us, but evidence is on my side and I am not afraid in my innocence. 

I'm suffering because Airbnb treats me like **bleep**, they had only 1 short phone call with me 8 days ago and promised to resolve the issue within 48 hours which was too much to wait anyway. But that didn't happen, neither they replied any of my mails. 

Over Airbnb agents I have called them 7 times leaving a message to call me, I have replied on their one and only mail 12 times beging for some reaction. I wrote them on open case message around 10 times and I opened several new cases just beging for a phone call that they closed without replying, because that ignorance is killing me. After 7 days they just replied shortly on mail: "Please know we are still investigating this matter, and we are following our procedures, which can include the cancellation of reservations throughout the process."


When I asked do they need any help and evidence, they just cancelled my today 6 day reservation. 

Guest was confused and angry, but I couldnt help, Airbnb called him directly not to be my guests like I am convicted criminal. 

It seems that more then 300 fantastic reviews, compliments and no complaints on me dont mean anything to Airbnb. 

This is the biggest injustice I ever faced in my life so far, in 39 years. 

If I was arrested police would read my rights and I would have an attorney and would defend myself on court, but Airbnb ignorance and punishment is worse then jail. 

I am taking pharmacy drugs to function in real life and sleeping pills to get trough the night just hoping for a call or mail that doesnt come. 

If this continues further more I would rather be dead then experience this injustice anymore. 

I am afraid for my health and I cannot know in which way this pain and depression will leave me. 

Guys, please be aware that this could happen to you to. Anyone can file a false complaint on you and Airbnb will treat you like a criminal until they slowly investigate you are not.

Nobody deserves this kind of treatment. 


72 Replies 72
Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Davor6 setting up 47 profiles on alone will take up a couple of days of constant work, start with that. After that you can continue on VRBO. Set up Instagram, that is great advertising... you have days of work with this and it will keep you distracted. 


Thank you for the tips, I will try Home away today. 

The problem with is that I cannot alow myself to have instant reservations, because first I have to agree with the owner as sometimes they have their own guests on another platforms and are slow to report me about that. 

So Airbnb so far was perfect for me. 

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Davor6 I am sure you can come to an agreement with the hosts to have priority. Maybe you let them know if the apartment is available and they can fill out the rest of the dates if they have guests. In the end you have the same interest and you need to work together to succeed. There are opportunities everywhere, you just need to look 🙂 

Level 2
Split, Croatia

AirBnb South Korea mode

Level 2
Split, Croatia

Or Gulag

Level 10
Bongaree, Australia

Davor6, you broke the rules, man up and stop playing the poor me card, you should have accepted the 50 pound and learnt from this lesson, be honest and dont blame Airbnb in anyway for the problem you have created.


What @Davor6 experienced could happen to any hosts including you. Just read through some posts in this forum and you will understand what I meant.


@Alexandra316 and @Emilia42 provided some insights about the risk as well. If this happened just once, you could blame that it is the individual host's issue. Not to mention that those hosts who were delisted had excellent prove of records in their years of hosting. If this occurred many times to many great hosts, who do you think to be blamed?

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Davor6 hi 🙂 I was wondering what happened and if you got an response from Airbnb but I then opened your profile and it seems to be removed altogether. Did they delist your properties? 

Level 10
Pensacola, FL

@Davor6  This is indeed a sad story..............lessons for all hosts to learn from. So sorry you are suffering and hopeful that you get some medical HELP! With what you write get some medical attention - often we keep doing the same thing again and again and expect a different result - we call that crazy behavior.


Obviously you have been delisted or shut down....when trying to see your profile or listing....that is indeed sad. And NOW Airbnb has taken away all your power and not allowed you to express your side - awful, awful.. You get to decide how you will handle it. That is all you can do is control how you respond. It is a shame, sad and I am trying to say I am sorry but also WE can't really help you, but support you. So my approach is don't be paralized by what has occurred - take action and learn and move on, continue, get out of bed - find your JOY again -  obviously it is NOT with Airbnb right now. Search and learn. 

We can all learn big lessons from your experience even when we know VERY little about what happened


1] All communication MUST be on Airbnb App - you were using What's App with guest

2} You wanted more monies for extra guests - and were expecting to receive cash at the end of stay. We are NOT ALLOWED to accept monies from guests outside of Airbnb platform. 

3] A sexual harassment claim was filed??? NOW this is a big deal - very BIG DEAL - all , ALL contact with guest should have stopped NO MATTER what after they filed a claim against the host.  When either party files a Claim all contact should go ONLY through airbnb.

4] Customer Service will NOT TOLERATE a host demanding, or being anything but matter of fact and calm. (This might be where they really stepped in and shut down the host) I know it is extremely difficult to be calm, matter of fact and nice when you have a problem.....or falsely accused....and all you want is guest to pay extra monies. Some guest/people will use anything they can think of to get what they want - even harassment claims - esp. a narcissist - they will destroy a person without any extra thought - so all the pleading, begging, is useless. So we never know truly who our guest is - we don't truly know some of our own family. 

So we will support that you are getting stronger, calmer, get out of bed, take some walks ---seriously, and learn from all this mess - keep us posted and know truly my heart is sad for you BUT I know that everything WILL NOT LOOK LIKE THIS TOMORROW.  Peace and a few hugs - Blessings @Davor6 , Clara 

Level 2
Labin, Croatia

Try HomeAway

Level 10
Orono, ME


@Davor6's profile has been deactivated. Good luck Davor, I hope you find even greater opportunities.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

It may just be temporary @Emilia42  or @Davor6  himself could have done this.


While I am sympathetic to the fact Airbnb appears not to have communicated well  with @Davor6  - much of this situation could have been avoided by @Davor6 if he hadn't deliberately flouted Airbnb's T&Cs.


I became a less sympathetic when learning that a long standing property manager with over 30 properties, asked a guest for cash and then harrassed the guest who didn't leave the full payment he required (if his posts here are anything to go by, I can see why his messages might have been seen as harrasment).


His initial posts here didn't mention this at all but stated that Airbnb had put his listings on hold without reason due to false allegations by a guest, which didn't turn out to be true.

Level 10
Bongaree, Australia

Thanks Helen3, he comes across as a drama Queen, cant believe he reached super host,

My friend has been with Airbnb for 5 years and myself for 2 years and never any real problems,

there is always 2 sides to a story and seems like he has broke the rules and its poor me, he should have fixed the problem straight away and taken a loss and learnt from it and moved on.