Airbnb will not let me review a terrible place I canceled. Other guests will mistakenly stay there.

Level 2
California, United States

Airbnb will not let me review a terrible place I canceled. Other guests will mistakenly stay there.

I rented a place in an apartment for three months in San Francisco. I have used Airbnb a LOT. A lot. I have actually (prior to this) spent 5,500+ over the years. I travel a lot. I've referred my friends to Airbnb. I have never had a problem with airbnb. I've left places early and have never asked for money back if it was my decision.


This place had very few reviews, but I learned to trust Airbnb. I take a chance because surely Airbnb enforces minimum standards, don't they?


I get there? It is a tiny room, fine-- but it is FREEZING. There is an outside facing door in the room. Cold air comes through a sizeable gap at the bottom of the door, and it is stuffed with NAPKINS. This is in San Francisco. It's cold. Not only that, but it's dirty and disgusting. 


I cancel. I contact airbnb, and send along photos. Brandi C is my case manager-- and they rule in favor of this woman. Not only that, but I do not even have the option to review her place and warn people about this horrible situation. I feel extremely betrayed by Airbnb. I honest to God trusted this site a lot more than that. I asked about a new case manager and was told I could not appeal.  I cannot even get in contact with this Brandi C. She hasn't replied to e-mails and other people say she means to call me and then she does not.


How can I warn people about this listing without a chance to review it? Do I post on Craigslist? Do I contact a lawyer? I feel I need to do something for the sake of other travelers who may unwittingly choose to stay there. 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Vancouver, WA

Unfortunately there's not a lot you can do.  You cannot review the place because you canceled your reservation.  Airbnb does not enforce minimum standards - they do not come out an inspect every property listed on the site - they are merely a booking service.  Likely this place will continue to have issues and Airbnb will eventually be forced to unlist it - but there's no immediate way you can "warn" other travelers.

Level 1
Orléans, France

I understand you because I had the same problem in Paris. Actually when things ho really bad you don't have a chance ti write a critic! It is ridiculous !!!