@Inbar3 Hello! When I click on your profile and look at your listing calendar, all dates are available up until 31st August. If you want to make further dates available, you may need to go to your calendar and manually unblock the dates.
The maximum stay allowed on a listing doesn't show up unless you enter dates. Check that you have entered the correct maximum stay in your listing.
Some host are unable to see their listing or they may enter dummy dates that are apparently unavailable, when the calendar appears open. The reason for this was discovered by a very clever host on this forum. (I can't remember who you are, but forgive me for repeating your advice.) You have Instant Book activated and may have put a Booking Setting that requires guests to have Recommendations from Other Hosts before they can book with you. If you yourself haven't stayed with other hosts, then you may not qualify to book your own accommodation, and the dates will show as unavailable!
Other hosts: please refine this description if necessary!