Bank transfer payout

Bank transfer payout

I've just seen 2 recent Aibnb payouts into my Caribbean bank. The deposits are less than I expected and less than I was told by Airbnb. I know that there are various bank charges which are not transparent, or explained - I call it banking cyber theft !

There is an 8 digit number following the name AIrbnb. This number does not appear to relate to the Booking Reference Number for the guests I hosted around that time. Can anyone explain how I can identify the guests from that 8 digit number ?


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Templeton, CA

Hi @Yvonne32, you should be able to correlate your payouts to specific guests by going to your Transaction History which is in the Host drop down menu.  It will tell you how much Airbnb paid out, the date, the guest involved and the reservation confirmation number.