Calendar Malfunction

Level 1
Boston, MA

Calendar Malfunction

Hello Hosting Community!


I started hosting last month and things have been going smoothly so far. EXCEPT, my calendar seems to have rules of its own! Recently a guest booked for an entire week in April that I did NOT put up. We rent our entire apartment out so it's a little tricky finding somewhere else to stay (especially during the work week) when we haven't planned on it. Ultimately, we decided not to cancel on the guest but I'm constantly checking the calendar to make sure there are no more dates just randomly open. I went back in a few times and saw that one nights keep popping up in April. We have a 2 night minimum stay so I'm just confused how these random nights keeping becoming available. 


Has anyone else experienced this calendar malfuntion? 




3 Replies 3
Level 8
Ithaca, NY

Hey Rachel,


Go into your Listings Calendar and on the top right, there should be a section for Availability Settings. Click that and expand reservation preferences, you should see a section that says "Booking Window." I assume you have it set to 3 months right now, go ahead and set it to "Dates unavailable by default."


Hope that helps!


Level 1
Portland, ME

Yes, I have been experiencing this for two months on a regular basis.- almost every time I log in there are new dates open, and I have had to decline guests because of this problem. I do have my availability window set to 3 months, but that doesn't seem to help anything. I reported it to Airbnb about 2 weeks ago, and have done everything they asked, but the problem has still not been corrected. More dates opened today, and two days ago. Now sending them screenshots each time it happens.

Hi Patricia,


I followed Zeke's advice above and it worked! Hope that helps!

