I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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Every morning I look at my Calendar availability and I see that the day next is "unabilable for booking". If I wake up on Monday morning, Monday is available, but Tuesday is blocked off. I have been following this "glitch?" for a couple days now, and it has been so consistently... I believe I can lose clients who are looking to book something at a short notice.... Is this happening to anyone else? or is this some "setting" that I dont know about... or a glitch?
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@Q-and-Twila0, go to Availability Settings in your calendar. Click on the Reservation Preferences dropdown. Look to see what it says under both "How much notice..." and "guests can book the same day until". Maybe that's it?
There is a glitch!!
One returning guest said my property shows as unavailable.
I tried sending a special offer to two of listings and couldn't because it shows as dates unavailable.
My calendar is clear and my settings are fine.
I called cust serv and they're trying to resolve.
I recommend booking your own suites or searching from a third party computer.
I cannot view my calendar past July this a new thing - does anyone know why?
My setting show I'm accepting bookings anytime.
I also have bookings past this point and can only view them on details. Pls let me know any suggestions
I am having the same issue in calendar view. If I switch to Details I can see the rest. Annoying. Hopefully this will be dealt with soon.
please check your settings and try to book your suites from a different computer or something.
I believe they have a software glitch somewhere.
I have a guest who tried to book a suite and told me it shows as unavailble for the nex two weeks.
I checked my calendar, which does show it available, and I checked my booking settings, all ok.
When I tried to send her a special offer to this suite, it shows as unavailable.
I tried to send an offer to another location, same thing: 'dates unavailable' even though I know they are avaiable and my calendar is open.
This is a problem!!!!!!
Guests are not seeing my rooms as avialable when we're getting summer interns in town.
This is so annyoing i was renting a 2 day gap and a guest came along and instant booked 3 nights. The last night was not supposed to be available. Go try explain this advance tech issue to the smart reps at the call centre.. and end up paying a penalty probably. This is weird that so much effort is put into marketing and bonus for new hosts, but no real care in delivery and technical expertise. Company grew too big too fast, needs to catch up and maybe remember the customers. Good thing is that it's no longer a monopoly or we'd be doomed with ever falling rates. Unsophisticated businesses get addicted to discounts to get business, and hosts loose profit. It's cannibalistic and short lived. Anyway this is so obvious it insults one inteligence.