Can I charge for additional people if its not stated in my profile?

Level 1
New Jersey, United States

Can I charge for additional people if its not stated in my profile?

I have a booking done in March for this July 18-23. My site says the house accomodates 12, which is what the renter put in as number of people. I just confirmed the amount of people with him and it is now going to be 8 - 10 adults and 4 kids under 16, so essentially it is 2 people over my max. Has anyone dealt with a situation like this, and is it wrong for me to ask for additional guest charges, even if I don't have "extra guest fee" stated on my site? I am personally concerned with that many people in the house, but don't want to give him too hard a time just a week and a half before his vacation.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Beaufort, SC

You can send an alteration with an extra person fee. He will need to accept it.