Can't Checkin looks like not available in Calender

Level 1
England, United Kingdom

Can't Checkin looks like not available in Calender

Hi. Due to not being able to clean the property on the weekends i can't have people checkin on the weekends, but it is avialable over the weekends for people to stay. When you look at the calender it now looks like my place is not available on weekends, until the guests try and book actual dates then it shows the days clear. I am finding that potential guest look at the calender see it looks like its not available over the weekend and don't bother booking. I can't see anyway of changing the look of the overall calender any sugestions?


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Atascosa, TX

@Andrew931  No way to change it many hosts complain about this. I have a 1 day minimum and check in anytime, so this issue does not effect me personally, but many hosts are impacted by this.