Canceling a confirmed guest

Level 2
Longmont, CO

Canceling a confirmed guest

Hi.  I am a new host and almost to Super Host status.  I pre-approved a guest who is staying with me now.  Problem is, I don't want him back and he has a confirmed reservation for a later date...for four weeks!  Is there any way I can cancel without incurring a fee?


This guy has completely taken over my apartment, using the kitchen, all of my utensils, pots and pans, lying on my sofa watching tv, filled my refrigerator with his food, sits at my dining room table on his laptop all day and night.  My site clearly states that this is a ROOM for $35night.  NOT an entire apartment.


Please help.  I can't host him for four weeks.

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Bergen, Norway


You would need to contact airbnb and have them cancel for you on the grounds that you are not comfortable with the guest.  

Thank you.  I will try to get ahold of them.  Not an easy task!

Level 10
Seattle, WA

Difficult situation.

I was in  a similiar position. When I saw my non preferred  guest made a reservation, I cancelled it.

Even though I cancelled with 10 minutes of their reservation, Airbnb blocked out those 5 days so I could not rebook with anyone else. I also have a stain on my record "Host cancelled  within 24 hours of reservation." Not good 😞

In the end, I had to go to the guests and explain that my house was not appropriate for them (my poorly insulated house did not keep their midnight quarrels private)


My advice is to ask your guest to cancel.  Give him some excuse. If he still is unwilling, sweeten the deal so he does cancel.

It's just money.

But don't risk your Superhost status if you can help it


Have you considered raising your rates and lowering your weekly discount?

You may be attracting people who want too much while wanting to pay little.

Level 10
Bergen, Norway


I have found that Twitter is the quickest.