Cancellation one week in advance

Level 1
Ottawa, Canada

Cancellation one week in advance

A guest is booked next Friday-Sunday but just indicated they would like to stay Saturday-Monday, but if that doesn't work, just Saturday. I just changed my cancellation settings to Strict. Will this apply? I would prefer the two nite stay but currently have it set at one nite. I won't be able to find another guest for the weekend in time if they cancel full out.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
New York, NY

@Lauren157 Whatever was your cancelation policy when the guest booked that will be what applies to that particular reservation.


Did you also just changed your minimum stay to 2 nights?

Thanks for this feedback. She's now altered it to the one nite. And Airbnb indicates "If you accept Jillian’s request, we’ll immediately update the reservation. If you choose to decline, the reservation will remain unchanged." So if I decline, it won't cancel, correct? Then it puts the onus on her to cancel and I won't be penalized?

@Lauren157 Just for your info, when you answer another host just use the at key in your text so we'd get your mail 🙂


As much as I understand if you decline the change (you might have to give a valid explanation for that)  she'll be booked for 2 nights and would have to cancel (hopefully some of the other hosts can back me up on this). HOWEVER, I would handle this situation very carefully!!! If she doesn't cancel, comes for 1 night and leaves you a crappy review (just picking on something) that might not be good. She has to stay at your place for that though. 


Lets hope more experienced hosts would also advise you soon! 




@Lauren157 Also, when did you set your min 2 nights policy? Just now? Because if you had that set before she booked than you can get Airbnb's help with this as she doesn't want to play by your rules.