Disrespectful mean sagging pants young male guest.

Level 2
Atlanta, GA

Disrespectful mean sagging pants young male guest.

How do you guys deal with a disrespectful young guest sagging pants, and they are mean, giving unwanted advice, how to operate my system?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
New York, NY

@Linda1170  The same way you get rid of a bore at a cocktail party - end the conversation and get on with more important things in your life.  Don’t stand there listening - he’s paying for a room, not your time and attention.

Level 10
Covington, GA

@Linda1170  always maintain your professionalism around these types of guests.  Many of them want to see you lose your cool and then they have grounds to contact Airbnb and attempt to get a refund.  If he asks questions, answer with direct replies and leave it at that.  If he tries to engage you in any other type of conversation where he is rude in nature, simply walk away.  I hope he is only there for a short stay for your sake.  I'm from Atlanta and I totally understand the personality type you are dealing with.