I have a guest arriving on Feb 23. She has a verified ID but no photo or anything. We haven't exchanged any messages through the portal yet and I received a text today from a number that matches her air profile phone number. She identified herself as Karen who will be checking in and asked if we were confirmed and said her airbnb account hasn't been working. So I'm not exactly sure how she got my number. Is my cell number attached to my account somewhere? Kind of freaked out. Has this happened to anyone before?
@Emily368 you put a phone number into your AirBnB account when you set up your profile, as did the guest.
When a booking is confirmed you can see the guest's phone number, and the guest can see the phone number you put into your profile. If that is your cell phone, then they have your cell phone number.
@Emily368 Above 2 posters clarified this for you. This text message seems quite benign and straightforward, so nothing to be freaked out about. My guests often call me when their flight gets in so I know approximately what time to expect them.
However, if you have any "issues" with this or future guests (not respecting your house rules, damaging things, etc.), messaging through the airbnb system is the way to go in the event that a resolution process is necessary.