Do you feel there are more pros or cons to renting your place on Airbnb?

Level 2
Seattle, WA

Do you feel there are more pros or cons to renting your place on Airbnb?

How often do you experience major damage from renters? Do you actually make a profit, break even, or end up in the negative? Also, do you manage your property yourself, or use a third party? (Who do you use?)


Thanks in advance!!!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
State of Roraima, Brazil

@Sara98  Good questions.  My rooms are in my home so I manage them and clean them. So far, fingers crossed, I have had no significant damage. Pretty much just normal stuff like water stains on the furniture, ink on the bed spread, broken glass here or there. As much as I enjoy meeting new people and sharing my home I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't making a profit. Airbnb is new to our city, I was number two 2.5 years ago. There are now almost 90 rooms listed in our city!! I operate about 9-10 months of the year.