Electricity used

Electricity used

The last electricity bill was twice as high as it has ever been over the last 20 years  - it is winter but............. is it polite to ask the renter to turn off heaters when not in use - it has been cold and the rental is a stand alone. (I think she probably leaves the heaters on 24/7). Or she has paid the money and should be allowed 

2 Replies 2
Level 3
Alicante, Spain

We had guests in december who stayed for one month and used more electricity in one month than we would pay in one year, nearly 2000 kw in one month, I did not know that much could be used.  The bill was huge and we have complained to airbnb and the guests.  We do expect guests to be thoughtful about how much they use, we could feel the heat coming through the walls as we are next door. Our bill was a quarter of theirs and we kept warm. Yes you are within your rights to ask guests to conserve and turn heaters off. from now on we will be charging for over used electricity or claim from deposit.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

How can a guest give you 5 star ratings for everything and then an overall rating a 4 Star.  It doesn't make sense