Facility advertised not working. What to do?

Facility advertised not working. What to do?

Hi, I'm pretty new to this so I'm hoping someone can help and advise. My listing is advertised as an apartment with s hot tub and to my horror on filling it for tonight's guests, it is not working. We are really located and can only get it fixed when the parts are obtained and can be fitted - hopefully by Thursday or Friday. Obviously this impacts.on tonight's guests, potentially on Thursdays and beyond. Do I offer a discount? If so how much? Has anyone had a similar experience? Thanks for any help that is forthcoming.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



If  it was a facility they would expect to use and you include it in the price then you should immediately explain and tell them you will be refunding them x amount. How much depends on how long they are staying. If it was a week then I would refund one night.

They are staying one night. What % do you suggest I refund?

@Bethan0 Chances are the guest won’t even have time or want to use it hot tub for a 1-night stay. Instead of immediately offering them a discount, first mention it is broken and will not be able to be fixed during their stay and most likely they’ll go, “Oh that’s ok!” If they really get bummed out about it (“Aw man, that’s the WHOLE REASON we booked with you!”) then you can offer them some back. Or let them know you’re happy to offer them a discounted future stay with the hot tub is back up and running. 

Level 10
Walnut Creek, CA

If it is a major feature/amenity, I would offer them 50% off, whether they planned to use it or not.  It is just good practice and shows you care about your listing and guests. I look at each guest as a potential multiplier - either they will come back or they will refer friends/family.