Guest adds a fourth day but paid only for three

Level 2
Toronto, Canada

Guest adds a fourth day but paid only for three

I just discovered a tricky bit  that I'd appreciate some help with.
A guest added an extra day to their stay after the quote has been given. 
I changed the dates and revised the amount and send that along with the message.
They  accept, payment is made but only for three days, not  for the fourth.
 So what I had to do was send a REVISED payment request and wait until he accepts.
He's stalling.  Should I cancel the reservation and ask him to resubmit? Is this a scam?
Thank you.
6 Replies 6
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Please don't cancel the booking unless you have instant book turned on  (then you can cancel three times I believe) you will be heavily penalised.


Are you saying he has accepted a booking for three days but not for the fourth?


When is he due to arrive?


I would send him a message and say if he wants to stay with you, he must accept the updated payment request for his fourth day before he arrives.


Not sure what you mean by 'he is stalling' is he communicating with you but not paying. If there is no communcation maybe he is travelling.


If in doubt call Bnb and get there advice.

He accepted the fourth day but the amount was not revised to reflect that fourth day.


He is communicating but not accepting the revised amount for the fourth day because he says he can't see how much it is.


There is some flaw in the AIRbnb system that allows this to happen.

Level 3
London, GB

Call Airbnb and speak to them, I just had a scam on my page and called them straight away.

Have you ever called them? They are so helpful.


Recently I also needed to add an extra day for a guest.  I did it under the change reservation tab and the amount was wrong - as in they did the math wrong!

So I  cancelled the change and did it again, same problem.

But.... I discovered you can actually change the dollar amount; just click in the box and type in what you want, and it all goes through smoothly.


How do you call Airbnb? I can't locate any contact info.


Guest decided to arrive one day early. Reservation was changed on Airbnb more than 24 hrs before guest arrived.

The reservation shows it should include the cost of the extra day, but Airbnb only paid me for the original amount.

How do I get Airbnb to pay me the extra day?