Guest cancellation & refund

Guest cancellation & refund


A guest cancelled and as I have a 'Strict' policy she has only received a 50% refund.  I thought I get the other 50% when she would have checked in (20th Sept).

Meanwhile guest has raised a resolution query with me for the other 50% as her uncle died and she also attached a death certificate.  As this is a credible reason under extentuating circumstances I agree that she should get a full refund.  


But when i press the box for refund, it tells me it will take this from my next payment due (which is due in a few days)!!  Why?  I dont even have the income myself from this guest to make the refund from my money - why doesnt it just go from AirbNb?

Then when I check about guest cancellations, it reads as thought I would have recieved the monies still due to me when the cancellation occurred (and hence would be able to refund her the other 50% happily - albeit its not the same amount as shes asking for as I have service fees deducted, but that's another problem...)


Any ideas?  Usually my income comes through no problem.

I cant find anywhere to actually contact a human to ask the question of AirBnb - only Q&A type replies.


I would be so grateful for advice?


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Level 10
Quilcene, WA

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+1-855-424-7262 (toll-free)


Hopefully you did not go through with the refund. Have Airbnb handle it.