I currently have a couple in their late 30's staying with us that have brought a significant mothball smell with them. I haven't talked with them yet to identify if it is actual mothballs in the bags or from their diet/breath (not to be weird, but : https://ultradex.co.uk/mothball-breath-causes-and-solutions/).
One thread brought up the issue of how to wash clothes with a strong smeling guest -that was good information. Another thread asked for tips on suble cues to hosts to alert future hosts that their guests may have a strong smell - thus requiring multiple washes or more intense cleaning - but the guest themselves are pleasant.
I'm trying to gauge if I'm helping or hurting this guest by flat out saying they smell like way too much mothball - or in your case, maybe it's that they smell way too much like *whatever* smell - smoke, perfume, hair spray, who knows.
They just arrived yesterday. I have a feeling this will be an awkward but necessary conversation to have, 1) because we have cats and the chemical in actual mothballs is toxic to cats, and 2) if it is a diet/cultural/body odor, after an open conversation, it will be important for me to address any ignoance I have and learn if there is something about foods not in my diet that are common for people from their home (in this case, eastern India) - or maybe they have a health issue that causes this.
After exposing my ignorance, I feel strongly that I need to help them communicate to others here in the US that they are aware there is a particular odor that is not common here and considered unpleasant, they need to reduce it, and how they workig to reduce it. I realize that even though they've lived here for years, this conversation may not have ever happened, though I hope to God it has, especially if they work in close quarters with anyone.
Am I being stupid, or helping? I won't write a negative review, but an in-person heart to heart is needed.