Host scary beheaviour

Level 1
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Host scary beheaviour

Hi there. I need big help. My host to be is misbeheaving, big time. I need to contact airbnb because the situation is dramatic. I rent with airbnb for years and never had such an experience. The guy is stalking me on watsapp, writing in the middle of the night, asking me to make a fake reservation to give him a good review, flirting me, discriminating me bcause of bein a single woman, etc. Super scary. NEED HELP!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Kraków, Poland

Hello @AnaInes0. Block him on whatever apps you are using - there must be such an option, yeah? Also, if you have any trace of that 'stalking' in the message system, you may report him to Airbnb: to do so,

you may reach Airbnb Customer Service using Twitter @AirbnbHelp or the form: Or you will find a pinned post in the Help section how to do it:

And you may also report that user - a link below his name.


// "The only person you can trust is yourself"