How can I know did my guest paid money yet?

Level 2
Quang Nam Province, Vietnam

How can I know did my guest paid money yet?

Hello everyone,

I really need you guys help.


I am Hoang. I am live in Hoian, Vietnam. I am new on AIRBNB.

My guest just left my home today. He said he paid money to me through AIRBNB. Normally, I got message from Airbnb if guest send money but this time, I did not get the confirm message like that.

How can I contact to Airbnb system to ask them "Did they get money from my guest yet?" Because I dont want to argue with my guest.


Thank you a lot and I hope to get you guys help soon!


5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Hoàng1,


Here is how you can contact Airbnb:



Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Level 2
Quang Nam Province, Vietnam

Hi @Dave-and-Deb0, thank you for your reply.

I have just deleted my last name. I sent to Airbnb email but no reply. I had very careful look in the Help community but no any topic as same as I am now.

I dont know how to contact directly with the system.

Thank you again, @Dave-and-Deb0,

Have a nice day from Vietnam,



Did you look at the link in my first response?



Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Level 3
Bellevue, WA

Hi Hoàng,


If the guest's booking is "confirmed", he or she should have paid Airbnb.


If you're concerned, you can go to "Your account" -> Transaction History -> (on the right hand side) -> Completed transaction or Future transaction


If the money is still in the "Future Transaction", then Airbnb has not started sending the money (usuaully it's sent one day after check-in)

If it's in the "Completed transaction" but you have not got the money, you can click the "?" next to the date to see when it was sent.

Level 1
Queenstown, New Zealand

Is it aday late before you get themoney ?.tHIS HAPENSTO ME IN nz ANDTHEONLY THING i CAN think of is that we are a dat ahead of where the money is coming from. we're 12 hours ahead of the uk and 24 hours ahead of usa. so the computer does recognise that is tuesday here but monday there. that's mt guess