Question about review notification

Level 2
Rome, NY

Question about review notification


I have a questions about a recent guest. I had a very negative experience and I contacted airbnb to resolve the issue. I am now getting notifications to leave a review. My question is whether there is any way to know if the guest has left a review for me. On my page i have notification saying "x has left you a review" but in each case these are guests for whom i have also left reviews. For the guest in this situation, in the reviews section of my account it merely says that I have 10 days to leave a review. Does this mean that he has not left a review yet?

I am reticent to leave a review before discussing the situation with my guest because I want to believe that there has been a misunderstanding and if we can resolve things amicably that will certainly affect the tone of what we write in our respective reviews. so again, my main question is : how can I be sure that he has not left a review?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Bergen, Norway

You will be notified when the guest has left a review. You should leave a factual, honest review no matter what. You owe that to your fellow hosts.