How long does Airbnb Plus Eligibility Last For A Property? We Have A Long Term Booking.

Level 1
Victoria, Australia

How long does Airbnb Plus Eligibility Last For A Property? We Have A Long Term Booking.

Hi everyone,


I would just like to know if anyone has experienced this.


We have a property which is eligible for Airbnb Plus however we have a long term confirmed booking property with the guests due to check out in a few months.


Will we lose the chance to apply for the Airbnb Plus program if it is not accepted within a couple of months? As I can see we can only schedule a representative to come within a couple of weeks from the date you apply.


We don't want to disturb the current guests as we think there may be a few things we need to purchase and repair to be accepted into the program for this property so realistically we can only have an Airbnb representative visit the property once these guests have checked out.





1 Reply 1
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Blake0 I don't know the answer to your question, but you might want to do a search on this forum for threads about the Plus program. Reports have not been positive. Hosts who joined are now opting out. Buyer beware.

P.s. take the (Mybnb) off your profile name here or you can't be tagged.