I am a host but want to remove one house back to the owners account.

Level 1
Camperdown, Australia

I am a host but want to remove one house back to the owners account.

I have a house that I host but I do not want the money to come directly to me I want it to be deposited into the owners account. As I understand it, I need to get the owner to create a new advertisement, then name me as the host keeping their bank details in the file. This way they receive the money directly and I receive the percentage commission from Airbnb. Is there any way to switch a home from my account to the homeowners account or does the listing have to be removed and recreated by the owner? I don't know any other way to get the money from the house to be deposited into the homeowners account rather than my own? Can anybody help or can anybody provide a number in Australia to contact Airbnb directly, I just cannot find an email address or contact number for Airbnbg!? Susan

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Bergen, Norway


You can route the payments directly into the owner's account through your payment settings.