I require extra payment for the use of the fireplace

Level 2
Sofia, Bulgaria

I require extra payment for the use of the fireplace

I require extra payment for the use of the fireplace, the wood and its cleaning. How to get guests to pay for it through Aibnb? Thanks!

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Kraków, Poland

You need to request the payment using this option - there is a button on top of the messages with each guest, @Anri1

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"

Hi Marzena, maybe you mean the button=send or request money. I`ll try it. Thanks a lot!

Level 2
Trumansburg, NY

Under the Pricing settings

There is an option for

affitional fees;

tho I am not sure how to add 

this specific category 

at least you can add $25-$50

under cleaning fees?


When someone is booking 

if The total $ needs adjustment 

to include that fee ;

you can simply 

let the guest know

if they plan on using the firewood that you need it all cleaned up

and replenished


there is an additional $20 fee

or whatever you 

need towards firewood etc!


Another option is to just up your

general rate 


to cover the additional 



Sorry Carey, but it is impossible to add other extra payments in the platform. I wonder how the guests will transfer the money to the Airbnb!