I want to share about one unreasonable guest

Level 2
Berlin, Germany

I want to share about one unreasonable guest

Last week we had one guest whose main purpose of visiting is to go to the techno club near our listing, 3 days in a row. She checked in at 18 and hit the bed at 20 sharp. I have to mention that we are sharing our 1-room apartment, and we use a room divider and curtains to separate the sleeping area. Of course it works only when there's consideration on both sides. We did turn off the light and were working separately and silently for her. Well this one was then ranting about the "noise" of us occasional typing at 22 oclock and that she is a mother of 3 and is horribly allergic to noise. And she is going to check into a hotel and ask how much we are refunding her. My husband was shocked and sat back in the dark for a while making no comments or any sounds. I was very angry and tried to hold my temper. I told her that she could use the ohropax we offered and we could talk tomorrow.  But fine, we then quitted doing nothing so that she could fall in sleep and went to bed around 11 as usual. Then the guest got up before 5 in the morning. She took a shower and played music in the bathroom and was singing loud, woke us up even when we had ohropax on. And our bathroom door actually has a great sound isolation. 


I mean if you knew you need this much of privacy, why do you have to annoy us and book our listing? 

My husband thought about of raising price to avoid cheap guests. 

I then write in the description that we kindly ask club visitors not to book our place.


This kinda of experience shakes my faith of hosting. I actually enjoyed hosting people due to years of couchsurfing experience. We charge extremly little for our place. 


Anyway, this guest left a review that I dare not read and I didn't write anything back. Does it have consequences for me?


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