Listing optimization consultancy

Listing optimization consultancy

Hello, I am looking for a  consultant to help me optimize my listing. I need help with the pricing calendar and using the smart pricing option but maintaining a minimum price. As well as determining the best competitive price in the area, Santa Fe. I also need help figuring out the taxes I will need to be prepared for, and to be sure I am accounting for them in my listing.  As well as just general optimization suggestions. Thank you! Rose

Rose Poulsen
7 Replies 7
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



You can check on Airbnb prices in your region for similar accommodations.

As you have already 3 listings and some reviews, you probably found a way.

(1 listing is not in the search system, as it has no available dates to book.)


I noticed you only offer long term stays on the 2 listings, but there is no monthly discount set in one of them.


Lisitngs show Airbnb is collecting this Tax:

(New Mexico) Local Gross Receipts Tax (Santa Fe)


Some relevant help on Airbnb:


Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

You don't need a consultant to help with this. Just look at what your competitors are charging for various seasons who have similar listings in your area and use this to set a minimum base price for your bookings .


For tax matters you need to speak to your accountant.


You can optimise your listing by having decent photography, a comprehensive listing, great reviews and ratings.


You can also use social media to drive traffic to your listing by targeting the sort of guests you are targeting as customers for your listing. 

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Emiel1  @Colleen253 @Helen3  THANK YOU all so much for your thoughtful input!

I am convinced I can find all the answers to my questions with research, but I really would prefer working with a consultant 1 on 1. Does anyone know of any consultants? I have googled and contacted a few, but none have responded yet. Thank you! Rose

Rose Poulsen
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

You will find lots of so called 'Airbnb marketing specialists' more than willing to take your money . Don't forget to take up references and work with someone who is local so they know your market.


Perhaps ask for recommendations on your local host group.

Level 10
Frederick, MD

@Wayne417 if you are determined to throw money away there are plenty of "experts" who post videos on Instagram and charge for their services. But I think you might be asking some of the wrong questions. 


Taxes- we have an accountant who specializes in small business. We both work full time day jobs and have various investments in real estate including our ABB. I also run a profitable online business. Our taxes are complex and no "consultant" can give accurate info. A CPA certainly can. 


Pricing: there are apps like Wheelhouse that people swear by. Do that if its in your area. Easier/free? Do a search on listings like yours. Or better yet stay in a few. See what people are charging and what they are providing. Look at their calendars-- are they booked several months out? 


But bigger questions that you aren't asking also need answers. How will you vet guests? What will your capacity be? What happens when there is damage? What will you do when someone throws a party or breaks rules? How often do you want to use this place yourself? What will you do if the neighbors are unsupportive? New and aspiring hosts so often focus on positioning themselves for profit, failing to understand the nitty gritty of hosting. This is not a "plug and play". Your listing can be the best, most optimized and well priced thing out there with wonderful photos and sage guidance to get it ready. But the minute a person sets foot through the door, that entire fantasy can crash down quite rudely. 


Here is some free advice...though you are welcome to throw some money at me and call me a "consultant" if you wish 🙂



To find a consultant to help optimize your listing, start by searching online for "listing optimization consultant Santa Fe" or "vacation rental consultant Santa Fe." Look for consultants who specialize in vacation rental pricing strategies and tax considerations. You can also ask for recommendations from other vacation rental owners or check with local business associations for referrals. When you reach out to consultants, explain your specific needs regarding pricing, smart pricing, minimum pricing, competitive pricing, and tax preparation for your listing in Santa Fe.

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