FYI to any Sedona hosts.
The Village of Oak Creek Association is holding a vote to ammend the CC&R's to ban short term rentals and adopt a schedule of fees for violations in response to the State Legislature and Governor signing SB1350 into law, preventing local cities, municipalities and counties from banning short term rentals.
Like I said, now VOCA wants to throw their hat in the ring. The association is not known for it's stellar decisions in the past and is riddled with improprieties. My guess is this is a revenue opportunity they foresee.
My home is cleaner, nicer, and in better shape than it ever has been. It was a long term rental previously, and both my renters were terrible. One ran a home business there without my knowledge and had semi trucks coming down a small residential road. Another destroyed my home to the point of an insurance claim, did not pay rent for 6 months and forced me to court for an eviction.
My home has never been treated better than it has as a vacation rental, expect when it was our home we lived in. We have improved our property and home as a result, and that has improved our community and our neighborhood values. There are more people now in the local businesses than ever before, in the 13 years I have owned my home, and that is a direct result of us as hosts renting our homes to tourists and travellors.
We really should join together to form a untied front and fight against this overstep of a homeowners assoication that has always been known for doing little to nothing in the enforcement arena of CC&R's. We should join together to help them cool their jets a bit.