Long term guest

Level 1
Palmdale, CA

Long term guest

I have had a guest that rented our home for 5 months… He is a bit problematic and we have worked through a few issues. However, he has clogged the toilet several times and expects me to pay for a plumber each time…. I lived in the home for about 10 years and have never had any plumbing issues and have had several guests stay without any issues. The plumber has also told me that the only problem he could see without taking the toilet off is that it was most likely clogged from to much paper and or other paper products that shouldn’t be thrown in the toilet. How should I go about telling him that I’m not going to continue paying plumbers for what seems to be an over use of toilet paper?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

I would just have a chat with the guest and explain that your plumber has told you the toilet is getting clogged either because too much toilet paper is being used/items are being flushed down the toilet that shouldn't be and that if you have to call the plumber out again you will need to charge him (easier to say if it's not a shared toilet).

Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

@Kyle647  I agree with everything that @Helen3 has said.  We had a guest who was flushing adult diapers / urine pads and caused a major blockage.  Fortunately, the guest was nosey and watched the plumber fish out this mess and confessed that it was his products.  He paid for the plumber.  


When the guest calls again, let him know that the plumber will be removing the toilet, etc. and clearing the line all the way to the street or septic tank.  Any calls after that will be at the expense of the guest and give him the emergency number of the plumber you have chosen.


I wonder how many plumbing issues this guy has with his own home -- or is he a bear that *bleeps* in the woods?

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Maybe styling the toilet will help:
