My account has been hacked! Where do I contact support???
I've been getting the occasional odd message on here, but too no notice as I thought the emails were just fake and not at all connected to miy account.
I have just received three in quick succession, asking to book 'my' property in Switzerland !!!!!! I have never been a host at can I can I contact someone at AIR BNB to look into this ....pronto !! 😞
Just changed my pass word - but somehow someone has been accepted to stay - I'm not sure if they have parted with amy money -I have just cancelled their reservation.
I need to get the listing removed but cant seem to see how
Thank you so much for your help - Ive done all those things and contacted all the other people asking to stay - there was no pay out preferences to be seen ? I don't think ...only the option to add new ones.
I think what they were doing was trying to get people to contact them direct on an alternative email address to converse off Air bnb