
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

No more Airbnb messages via email

Level 4
Munich, Germany

No more Airbnb messages via email

Since about 1 week I do not receive any notifications by e-mail anymore. The last one came on 18.09.2019. I already wrote to the Airbnb Support here. The answer was a FAQ article about notifications. I checked all my notification settings and also my e-mail inbox. I can't find any errors. Does anyone else have a similar experience at the moment?

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Concord, CA

@Josef47  Have you checked your email spam folder? 


I still receive all kinds of emails from Airbnb, booking inquiries, booking requests, pay out, etc.

Level 4
Las Vegas, NV

Reset your notification preferences and restart device.

Level 4
Munich, Germany

Thank you to all repliers with all your your tipps and hints.
The problem still exists. 
- Spam folders have been checked. Everything is ok
- Notification settings in my Airbnb account are as required 
- I use different e-mail clients on several devices. None of them receives notification emails from ""
- I checked all filter options in my email clients: all fine
- Checked blacklist at my provider. All OK
- Contacted my email provider if there is any domain blocking activated ... nope

And now the "fun fact": 
Notification Emails concerning the Airbnb Community Center ( they are also sent from !!! )  are received successfully.
That's why I contacted Airbnb support again and insisted to forward this problem to their IT-professionals  to check their notification system regarding my account ....
Let's see what will happen.

Level 4
Munich, Germany

Hello everybody,

I can now add an observation that has also been confirmed:
Also the Airbnb App doesn't send me any push messages anymore.
I suppose these errors of the notification system are related.
The Airbnb Support contacted me today and told me that the problems I reported will be fixed soon. Maybe something is broken in the system 😉
It surprises me that nobody else reports about such incidents here in the Community Center. Does it really only concern my account? I am curious how it will go on.
Many greetings,

Level 2
West Java, Indonesia

Hi everybody,

This is not an isolated issue: I counted 15+ threads on the Community forum with similar problems (one or more forms of notification suddenly stopped). Many date back months and even years ago, most were not (reported to be) solved. It is a systemic issue at AirBnB's side.


On 17 August 2019 I reported that suddenly I no longer got an audible alert when a push notification or SMS from AirBnB arrived. On request I sent screenshots of my AirBnB app settings and Android notification settings. AirBnB support told me 2 days later that "this is a known issue and I have forwarded your concern to our Project Engineers." To date (11 November) the problem is NOT resolved.


In fact yesterday it got worse: no notifications whatsoever from AirBnB. Like Josef47, I checked all AirBnB app and Android notifications settings - all correct. Nothing in spamfolders.