Hello! I booked a place for one person and after added another guest. The host had the mention on the site that he doesn’t charge a second person, however I kept getting notified that the extra payment was unsuccessful throughout our entire stay. 4 days after we checked OUT of the place I got charged for the second guest despite the host not charging for this and also he messaged telling me the money didn’t get to him. What should I do?
@Mihaela28 there are only two ways you could have been charged: 1) the host sent a request for money and you accepted it, or 2) there was in fact an extra person fee on the listing and when you changed your reservation the change in price was shown to you. If the listing text says there is no extra person fee but the actual listing rate includes one you could point that out to the host and request a refund. But you share the responsibility for the misunderstanding.