Renting out now?

Level 2
Boston, MA

Renting out now?

What happens if someone rents their vacation property right now even though there's a stage specific ban in place? What are the potential consequences? 

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Florence, Canada

Don't know what is happening in Boston right now, @Caleb103 , but in Ontario, I would be hit with a $100,000 fine from the province. That information is in the COVID-19 resources my government has put online. I would look for similar information from your government if I were you.

To answer your question, I would say that a fine would be the potential financial consequence. You don't mean health consequences, is that right? 

Yes like a fine or something. Not that I'm going to. Just turned down a reservation for this weekend at our NH place in fact because it's now allowed yet. But just curious, if others are what the financial consequences could be! @Lawrene0 

Level 2
Boston, MA

***state*** specific I meant to say in original post! 

@Caleb103  The fine in Berlin is EUR 10,000. Quite a lot of money considering the fact that we don't make much here by German standards.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hopefully the host would receive a large fine and lose any local license enabling them to operate and STR and the guest would be kicked out. @Caleb103