
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session


Level 2
Statesville, NC


Do both parties have to leave a review?

9 Replies 9
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


It is not obliged for either party, but every review will be publiced anyway after 14 days.

Level 2
Statesville, NC

I am not allowed to see their review until I write a review. I feel like my recent guests were not good guess but I don't want to leave a bad review first because then they'll leave me a bad review. I was thinking of saying nothing at all. How do I handle this? Thank you for your help

Hi @Jamee4 


Ah, the minefield that is feedback! First off, neither you or the guest HAS to leave a review. However, feedback makes Airbnb go around, helping you to build your reputation and providing other hosts with useful information about potential guests.


That said, you are right - unfortunately, you can't see their review before you leave yours so it's down to a judgment call as to whether you decide to:


Skip over the negative stuff in an attempt to please your guests and hope they reciprocate with a decent review. 


Leave honest feedback - if you do this make sure you stick to the facts - do not draw assumptions and be brief!


All hosts are open to negative feedback, but you can respond if you feel the feedback is unjustified. I've been on the receiving end of poor feedback and it really upset me to be honest (you feel like you've worked hard to make everything spot on and then you get knocked down)!  But I got back on and carried on, and I'm pleased to say the majority of my guests have been lovely!


I am having a real push on getting great feedback at the moment, so I've been doing a little research, I found this helpful:

Just in case you fancy a read with a cuppa! 


Keep me posted with how it goes in terms of the feedback! 








Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Kate-Mary0 guests can't see her review too until they post their own so there is no way to reciprocate with a positive review. Ot is very importan to be honest in the reviews. No one sees the reviews until both parties post and they can't change it after that or if only one of them leaves a review the other one will see it after 14 days and still won't be able to leave a retaliatory one as a response. 

That is the answer I was looking for! Im new to this and I thought they could read my review first and then model mine if it was negative etc. Thank you! Jamee

Hi Kate, thank you for taking the time to write and help me. Im very much pondering this. I will read the article you sent me first!! Much appreciate it! Jamee

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


It's the same the other way round, guests can not see your review upfront. The other party only receives a notification a review has been written, which can trigger to write one too. Otherwise post here what you intend to write or what problems the guest caused, so we can advise. There are some good review writers (not me) around here !

Best regards,


Level 2
Statesville, NC

Thank you for helping me!! Jamee

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Jamee4  Now that you understand that reviews are blind from both sides, so the other party can't base their review on what you wrote, another thing- since reviews get published as soon as both parties have left a review, or in the case of onl one party leaving a review, that review will get published 14 days after check-out, what many hosts who are faced with leaving an honest review for a bad guest do is:

If you don't receive a notification that the guest has left a review, wait until day 13 to submit your review. That way, the guests may not notice an email or notification that you have left a review, and by the time they do, it will be too late for them to submit a review. If they see you've left a review on say, day 4, that may prompt them to leave a review when they may not have bothered to otherwise. "Uh oh, she left a review. I just know she's gonna slag me. I better write one now saying how awful her place was."

Of course, if you get notification that the guests has already left a review, there's no point in waiting to submit yours.

Also, if the guest lies in their review, or complains about things that were never offered in the first place, or complains about things that were clearly mentioned in the listing but which they failed to read, you can leave a publicresponse to their review, which should be used to correct any lies or misrepresentations, and should be brief, factual andnon-personal. It should not be adressed to the guest who wrote the review, but is just posted so future guests can see your response, to judge that review for themselves as false or misleading.

But you know what? Some hosts who were certain that a guest was going to give them a bad review, were pleasantly surprised that it turned out not to be the case, so there's not much point in being worried about a bad review beforehand- if it happens, just deal with it then.