Special Offer

Level 2
Bucharest, Romania

Special Offer



I am new here, I received a request from a guest , I sent him the link,  he wanted the price a bit down, I tried to modify the Special offer as its described on site, didnt work so I withdrawed the first Special offer to send him a new one.


Since then, I cant make a new offer for him.

Please tell me how to do it!


Thank you!

Best Regards,


Top Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


"i sent him the link" : What link ?

Normally the special offer button is not available when receiving a request, only when recieving an inquiry.

So i am confused about your posting. Also i special ofer can not be modified, only withdrawn and then sent a new one.

best regards,


View Top Answer in original post

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


"i sent him the link" : What link ?

Normally the special offer button is not available when receiving a request, only when recieving an inquiry.

So i am confused about your posting. Also i special ofer can not be modified, only withdrawn and then sent a new one.

best regards,


Emiel, thank you for the answer. The link with the Special offer he received from me first time, but after I withdraw it I cant make a new one. what happened? How to send him a new one? Right now he cant see my property on airbnb, he is redirected to airbnb site when click to my property!