Splitting payments - Who gets the cleaning fee?

Level 2
Gold Coast, Australia

Splitting payments - Who gets the cleaning fee?

If i'm managing someone elses property and have split the payment so I receive a commission % of the rent, does it also split the cleaning fee?  Is there a way I can set it up (besides Co Hosting as it's limited to 3 owners) so that the cleaning fee goes to one of the bank accounts?  Do you know of another way?  

Top Answer
8 Replies 8

Thank you Alice and Jeff,


I am looking for a way to do it other than Co Hosting as Co Hosts are limited to 3 owners only.  

For example, if i want to manage the homes of 4 different owners or more is there a way to designate who the cleaning fee goes to?


@Nadine127 - you have that backwards.  A single listing can only have up to 3 co-hosts.  A co-host can be a co-host for as many properties as they can be hired to co-host.  If you want to manage 4 different properties, you will be the co-host for each of those properties.  Each of the owners would need to set up the listing to make sure the cleaning fee is paid to you, the co-host, or not.  



You can set up as many payout accounts as you'd like on a listing you are the Admin. However, as a business owner, the Listing Admins (the hosts/property owners) can set up as many payout accounts as they want for their lisitng


Level 1
Las Vegas, NV

I wish someone can answer this question without cohost, if I split the payment into two account and I want one of them to get entire cleaning fee and the other account gets just percentage of the remaining balance, can i do that?

I am having this same issue and I sometimes lose money when there are short bookings since I am paying the cleaning fee. If you find out anything, let me know!

Did you ever find a solution to this issue? I am running into the same problem. @Joshua704 @Rafi100 

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

Did the Airbnb website change? When I add a co-host, there is NOT the option stated in this article where you can give the co-host the cleaning fee. https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Tips-Tutorials/Co-Hosting-on-Airbnb-A-Community-Help-Guide/m-p/4...


I also can't find anywhere on the listing settings to change it after i've signed up a co-host. 

Level 2
Cincinnati, OH

@Airbnb We need an option to split off the cleaning fee from the percentage split in the payout. Make it happen!