The guests can't book their trips on my page

Level 1
Miami, FL

The guests can't book their trips on my page

Under the button "BOOK" on my page you can see: "You will not be charged yet ". What does it mean? The Airbnb just blocks me?"
I called to the Airbnb's managers, they can not understand what's happened. They promise me to solve this problem for 3 days but a situation is the same. Guests write to me, they want to book a trip, but can not do it.

4 Replies 4

The phrase, "You will not be charged yet," is on everyone's page. If someone is looking at your page it is designed to encourage them to click the booking link by letting them know that just by clicking the link they will not be financially committed. They have to actually select dates and click a few more times before the money is "taken."


Airbnb knows that the potential guest is less likely to click out of the Airbnb website and go somewhere else if they can be enticed to click the Book button and start to commit themselves to the booking process. It is a common aspect of internet marketing and actually works.

@Tatiana100 - @Tim-and-Holly0 are right.  This is completely normal and lets the guest know they're not committing financially just by clicking "Book" on your page.

I got message from AirBnb:

"Any listings whose purpose is other than accommodation cannot be supported on Airbnb.

As a result, we've suspended your listing, “Day of Fan in the Sun by the Boat!” We can see you're a great host and recognize that you may have listed this with the best of intentions. While we can't support non-accommodations on our site, we do welcome you to list other approved spaces."

2 Months ago we moved from Connecticut to Florida. In Connecticut we rent our boat as a Boat House + Boat Trips.

Now our boat located in a place where the low prohibites to live on the boat (exept owners). 

So, last two months I offered people only Boat Trips. Everything was good, people booked trips... I had great reviews.

But then Airbnb blocked my listing. 

Now I try to get resolution for a living on the boat in order to safe my busines. 

I would recommend doing an internet search for ocean excursions and listing your service on those websites. It is true, Airbnb is only for accommodations so they have the right ot block what does not fit their business model. Good Luck in the future!