My listing doesn't show up when I search (or in other computers)...

My listing doesn't show up when I search (or in other computers)...

There are only about 20 in my neighborhood but mine isn't showing up... please help.  Here's my link:  

I really don't know what to do or how to become visible.  Did I create a wrong setting, can someone please help me correct?


Thank you in advance!

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

hi @Christian232

I was able to find your listigns without any problems, on the first page of my search.


I see you can accomodate 7 people in your shared room but, why you wrote that you can accomodate just 1 guest in it? If a group of 2 or more people search for a room they will not be able to see your listing.


And what will you do when 1 guest instant book one bed in your shared room and block the calender for the entire room? 



Can you help me find my url please. Also let me know if you see any immediate mistakes i have done too. Only thing is that i need to re add more photos which i will be doing next week.