Turn around Cleaning in Seattle - Northgate - Shoreline

Level 2
Seattle, WA

Turn around Cleaning in Seattle - Northgate - Shoreline

Hi There,

I'm a host for nearly 2 years. I do all the work, however this upcoming season I'm deciding to leave the cleaning service to somebody reliable, my preference will be somebody that lives near Northgate or Shoreline. Also, if you are a host and would like to help me with this, you are also welcome. Is there anybody that knows somebody that can help me? I will be around and I usually travel during summer for a few weeks but mainly I'm in town most of the time.

I would appreciate any recomendation!



4 Replies 4
Level 2
Seattle, WA

Hi Liz, 


I "might" have a solution for you. I work with a company that provides cleaning services specifically for Airbnb hosts. If you let me know the zip code your property is listed in I can check if we cover that area, as I think it might be just a bit North of our service area.


Hope this helps. 


Level 2
Seattle, WA

I offer professional cleaning services for airbnb units in the whole of Seattle area. You can send us an email to thebestmaid@yahoo.com or inbox messages

Level 3
Vancouver, CA

Hi Liz - we would be more than interested to assist you with your units by making hosting a completely hassle-free experience. 


What we handle:

√ 24 Hour guest communication

√ Guest vetting

√ Price optimization 

√ Housekeeping and replenishments 

√ Photography and listing SEO improvements

and a whole lot more!


If you are interested in chatting, give us a shout and we would be more than happy to introduce you to what we do.


Happy hosting!


Best wishes,

Charles at HostGenius Seattle Management

Hello I can help you, !!

we can talk about it, dms me 

I am locate in green lake Seattle