UI request/suggestion for "Would you recommend this guest?"

Level 2
Boulder, CO

UI request/suggestion for "Would you recommend this guest?"

Can we get the colors changed on the "Would you recommend this guest?" modal? Now the color is black for "Yes" with a green button for "Submit review," and for "No" the color is black with a green button fort "Submit review." It should be green for "Yes," red for "No," and the "Submit review" button should change color, depending on whether the review is favorable or unfavorable.


Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at 11.35.48 AM.pngScreen Shot 2019-04-19 at 11.35.53 AM.png

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

I agree. I felt reviewing was faster and simpler before the changes, when I could tick the stars in rapid succession and submit. Now it is a two click motion per screen. And the ''recommend'' box I have hovered over the wrong one more than once, correcting myself just in time.


This is not an improvment. It does the same job, but much slower. And you feel like you don't know when it is going to end when you are bit-fed screen by screen instead of one screen, job done. Move on.