I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I ...
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I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I had a PAST reservation cancelled. The guest have already stayed. ...
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Hey all,
I have the following question. On the payout page I see that the money transfered to me was equal to 715$. However I have just called my bank and I was told that the amount they received is equal to 675$.
Can you pleae let me know where did the other 30$ disapear?
Could be bank fees? Or foreign currency conversion?
The bank employee told me that even before conversion they received 675$. So definetly not about conversion.
I heard from a service that helps AIrbnb hosts that payout errors suddenly became common this year.
After connecting with a direct message on Twitter to Airbnb, I am still trying to get two underpaid bookings corrected. In my host transaction CSV, it clearly shows the contracted amount and the amount transferred to my bank are different, leaving me $565 short. I sent them images of my bank transactions and I am hoping for the best.
I warned the AirBnb staffer that there is probably someone inside who is committing fraud by siphoning off a bits of payout money from many accounts.
ction from Airbnb to my bank I have the same problem. My local bank says it is the transaction from Airbnb to my local bank who charges 36,- US$. It is like I am giving away 1 room for 1 night for free every time I host a giest.
This is not acceptable.
I already sent the problem to Airbnb, but no response yet.
I've had the same problem .My last three booking were all around $25N.Z.D too light. After spending many hours I went into my calender and tried to book and found different prices for different days even though i had set it up as a fixed price. its as if the smart price button is on!.Ive gone through my calender and changed every pricing for every day.Something changed and I didnt change it.
Has anyone had an answer?
I've just had a smaller payout than contracted
No-one answering the helpline, though I am paying to be on hold.
Hi Wendy. Im from New Zealand. I had three bookings in a row that had a much lower pay than what my fixed contracted charges are. I couldnt get an answer either.Spent ages reading through other peoples problems but no joy to any of the questions I asked. In the end I looked up my own listing calender and found that the base rate had been charged. I changed it to the right amount and had to go through and look at every one of my available dates and change. If I unblock a date I have to check on the price. I dont know if thats what happened to you,but thought Id share my experience.
I was convinced that there was fraud occuring, but I was wrong. The AirBnb staffer was able to show me that the reason that the bank transfers were lower than expected was that there were client refunds mixed together with client billings. Because the refunds were not part of the CSV transaction history, I could not see the reason for the reduced bank transfer. They are recorded in the long form Transaction History in the Host menu.
So look carefully at the dates of your guest bookings and cancellations and you might find the reason for the low payouts. If you still see a problem, send a private message to the AirBnb Twitter account and they will respond to you.
how does one communicate with an airbnb staff member ?
send a private message to the AirBnb Twitter account and they will respond to you.
Why on earth with such huge company can’t even have their own reliable customer support systems. Their chat systems is like a software made by first year computer science student.