cancellation penalty

cancellation penalty


guest instant booked my place on the very same date the previeous booking and guests are still at the apartement. we spoke with the new guests and agreed on the cancellation of this new booking. the guest cancelled, was worried about being charged and than I cancelled as well. the listing showes I was the one who cancelled and was given bad points. than I was charged cancellation penalty for this "both sides agreed" cancellation. thank you very much for help and clarifying this to me. best, silvie.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Hi Silvie - it is up to you to keep your calendar up to date so that guests are not disappointed and find their bookings are cancelled. AirBnB will block your calendar for those dates and also give you a financial penalty. 


You can try speak to them to see if they will reverse this...this is just a host forum so you need to contact AirBnB direct. 


Good luck

Level 10
Como, CO

Only one person can cancel,  the Guest or the Host, there is no joint cancellation.


Dear David, thank you and I just spoke with Sugi and he informed me He canceled the reservation from the host side.
therefore I do not understand why was I charged 1260 cancellation fee.

thank you