delay in payout with no feedback from Airbnb

Level 3
Lviv, Ukraine

delay in payout with no feedback from Airbnb

Dear colleagues, I am a host from Ukraine and work with Airbnb for 8 years, never had any serious problems. However, they have recently stopped transferring payouts to me, one of them being due for 10 days now. Nothing has changed in my layout and I know that some other Ukrainian hosts are getting paid. I have written to the customer service several times, but they ignore the request, saying that I have already applied regarding this issue. I call them daily, but all they say is that my issue "is being studied". I have quite a number of upcoming reservations and I really cannot afford working for free now. I hate to bother the guests, of course, as they have paid their money and should receive services. Did you have such a problem and what would you recommend to do? Thank you very much in advance for your support!
173 Replies 173
Level 10
Canterbury, United Kingdom

@Nadia901   I am so sorry this is happening to you.  I have seen a number of cases like this recently and appreciate just how awful this must be for you given the current circumstances.  Hopefully it will be resolved soon.


@Sybe  Is there any way this can be escalated?



@Kate867 thank you for support! It is already 4 unpaid reservations with no explanations, so I feel really helpless...

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

@Kate867 thanks for the tag. @Nadia901 I'm so sorry to hear about this! I'm sending this over to the team for them to look into. They'll be in touch with you and if I get an update in the meantime, I'll let you know. 



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@Sybe thank you so much! I have finally got a response from CS with assaulting message. They write the payouts will not be done due to connection of my account to Russia or Byelarus!!! This is an absolutely wild assumption, our properties are in Western Ukraine, bank account for transfer is Ukrainian and payment method same as other Ukrainian colleagues use (Payoneer). To make story worse, part of the money they now keep is donations from other airbnb hosts from all over the world, who booked to support us at difficult times. All this mess started around 27.05 and I am not the only Ukrainian host, who is not paid. I can provide more info if needed... Thanks a million for your support, as I feel helpless now...

My host in Ukraine messaged me on July 28 that he has not been paid.  He said that Airbnb tells him that the money is being held due to "sanctions."  Please advise.


Dear colleagues, I am the owner of apartments in Ukraine, I have been working since 2013. Everything was fine, but since the war began, our Ukrainians began to block our payments for contrived reasons. The site administration does not respond to our request now and does not explain. do next? This is a robbery !!!

Dear colleagues, I (Vinnitsa , Ukraine) have the same unpleasant situation with non-payment of money. I have been working with Airbnb for 7 years. Airbnb is ignoring my inquiries about the reason for the non-payment, and also ignoring the requests of my guest. Yesterday I received a response that my payments are under sanctions, we cannot help you, your complaint is closed and goodbye. No explanation for the situation. My guest was also denied a refund of his own funds. Airbnb takes other people's money, leaves it in their account and ignores everyone: both host and guests. The situation becomes similar to Airbnb fraud. My guest and I feel cheated and helpless.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Kateryna41 your listing seems to have been only in existence since March 22. Where is your 7 year history with Airbnb?

first give an answer, where are the payments of all people from Ukraine?

this account is new, yes, but I have been working with BNB for 7 years

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Kateryna41 sadly some people took advantage of guests booking stays in Ukraine and created listings that they knew people wouldn't actually stay in just to get money. I guess Airbnb has decided not to do business with these hosts. It would be helpful if Airbnb could confirm or deny this @Stephanie 

then why did the platform allow you to book from these hosts, don't you think it's a scam on the part of the BNB?
After all, in early March, you were even proud of it, and now you are writing this?

Level 10
Canterbury, United Kingdom

@Kateryna41  As @Mike-And-Jane0  said, the drive to ‘donate’ to Ukrainians was started to support existing hosts who had been using the platform prior to the war starting as for many this was their main source of income.  Unfortunately, many people heard about this due to the publicity and started to create new listings.  In one case someone created 40 new listings overnight.  Airbnb have been working hard to ensure that only those who had genuine listings prior to March 2022 are benefiting.  They have also waived their fees so effectively are doing this work free of charge.  Airbnb also set up several years ago with partners to help those in crisis situations.  Whereas every system is not perfect, Airbnb as a company and their generous hosts have made a great effort to help.

Tell me please, what are my next steps ? I sent all the supporting documents everything was approved


Thank you !