how to get back my listing being paused by airbnb?


how to get back my listing being paused by airbnb?


Top Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


If the listing is paused by Airbnb, they probably informed you why this happened. You need to correct what Airbnb gives as a reason for the pause. It can be something inside the listing, but also bad ratings, too many requests declined, etc. Then you can reactivate the listing yourself after the suspension time limit, more:

Best regards,


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5 Replies 5
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


If the listing is paused by Airbnb, they probably informed you why this happened. You need to correct what Airbnb gives as a reason for the pause. It can be something inside the listing, but also bad ratings, too many requests declined, etc. Then you can reactivate the listing yourself after the suspension time limit, more:

Best regards,


Level 1
Lisbon, Portugal

it's unfair to be paused just because airbnb asked me to accept a guest who doesn't correspond to the profile of my guests. They didn't have a place to stay so I said I woldnt let them with no house. My wife recomend me not to do it because we had a bad expirience of a case that was like this one....I did it to be kind but now I see it was not an airbnb political just to be flexible...unfair.

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


I absolutely loooove your place! :))))  Please make better pictures for GRILO to show it's boho beauty as it deserves 🙂

I see both listings are active now so I am glad you resolved the problem.


Level 1
Oslo, Norway

A guest who were here at my place, he wrote a bad review that the dishes were not washed. And it’s clearly mention in my listings that guest will do dishes after use. And airbnb block all of my listings, unfair 

Level 1
Tulsa, OK

I have a 4.1 overall rating and my listings are still paused. I need them

back no reason for them to be paused