missouri law

Level 2
St. Louis, MO

missouri law

Hello,  I'm looking for information on long term guests.  Is anyone knowledable about Missouri law as to how long before a guest can claim "residency" and stop paying?  I have a request for over 36 days and have read a few nightmare blogs concerning long rentals. And I'm having trouble locating the laws for my state.  Thanks!!

1 Reply 1
Level 2
Kansas City, MO

Can anyone here give me a better expliantion of the requirements in Kansas City Missouri for airbnb? I see that they airbnb handles the Kansas taxes internally but I am on the other side of State line.  I am finding little on the taxes to collect or any necessary steps to be sure I am covering all my bases and have as few surprises (hopefully none 🙂 along the way.  Thanks in advance.